Reset your Password

Since February 2021, we've switched from logging into the platform with your Linked-In account to your own work mail and personal password. In this article, we briefly explain how you can reset your password in case you've happened to forget it.

Step 1: 

Go to the login page on and click on 'Forgot your password?' (Bottom right).

Step 2:

On the new page, fill in your work mail. This is basically the email address you log in to the platform with.

Step 3:

An email will soon be delivered to the mailbox of your work email including the next steps on how to reset a new password. In the mail, please click on the purple button: 'Change password.'

Step 4:

You'll be transferred back to the platform and will be asked to fill in your new password. Make sure it's at least 10 characters long and click on the next button.

Step 5:

Now your new password is saved! You should now be able to login to the platform again with your new combination. Make sure to keep it safe! :)

If you have any questions, feel free to contact on